If you have questions regarding Dokan, here is the possible quires that you can check and clear the confusion while using Dokan on your marketplace.
Now check out the possible questions about Dokan:-
1. What are the system requirements?
→ The server requirement for Dokan is PHP 5.6 or higher and MySQL 5.6 or higher. You can start with shared hosting. Depending on your traffic and content, you can upgrade your hosting later.
2. Is it multisite supported?
→ Dokan is not compatible with WordPress multisite system but if you want to use it on a single subdomain of your multi-site installation then it can be possible. One Dokan plugin can be used on 1 database. That means you can activate the plugin only on one subsite. Multiple sub sites are not supported.
3. Is there any limit on product, category and tags?
→ No, there is no limit on anything. Both the free and paid version has unlimited vendor, product, categories and tags feature.
4. How much traffic can Dokan handle?
→ Our plugin just passes the data from frontend to WooCommerce. The earning and sales reports are generated on demand. So the traffic handling does not depend on Dokan. It depends on the infrastructure you have and the level of your resource optimization
5. Can I use cash on delivery with Dokan?
→ Yes, you can use any WooCommerce compatible payment gateway with Dokan. But the offline payment collection requires some off the system communication and collaboration. Please consult your business planning executive for more information to proceed forward.
6. Can I use WooCommerce shipping plugin with Dokan?
→ Currently, Dokan is using its own shipping method. WooCommerce shipping functionality is not integrated on the front end.
7. I am getting “Please activate your copy!”error. How to fix?
→ This is a common warning if you have re-installed the plugin. No need worry, just create a support ticket then our team will reset the activation for you. Also, we always suggest not to activate the key if your site is not live yet.
8. Can I set withdraw threshold?
→ Yes, you can set withdraw threshold in Dokan. If you set 10 days then the vendor would not be able to send any withdrawal request before 10 days after completing an order.
9. Does dokan has per category commission feature?
→ Yes, you can set commission for each product category.
10. Can I review the product after editing by the vendor?
→ Dokan has an option to change the product status to pending review, if he re-edit any product.
11. My store page layout is not looking good. How can I fix?
→ This issue is really common for few third party themes. No need to worry. You can get the fix from our support staff.
12. Is there any option to set tax?
→ Yes, the admin can create tax class from the backend and vendor will be able to use the class for their product. Please read this documentation.
13. Which payment gateway can be used with Dokan?
→ You can use most of the WooCommerce compatible non-adaptive gateway with Dokan. You can check here.
14. Can a customer buy multiple vendor’s product at the same time?
→ Yes, sure. In Dokan plugin a customer can purchase multiple vendors product at the same time. Now, if your gateway is Dokan PayPal Adaptive Payment then a customer would be able to add maximum 5 vendors product on the cart.
15. Does dokan supports RTL?
→ Dokan is fully RTL compatible.
16. How can I insert shipping tracking number in Dokan? Is it possible?
→ The vendor can insert Shipping Tracking number from the order details page through “Order Notes”. You can read the full documentation.
17. Is there any local-pick up delivery system?
→ Dokan has own shipping functionality but local-pickup delivery method is not available in Dokan shipping. You can read this doc.
18. Does Dokan allow a vendor to open multiple stores?
→ No, Dokan does not support multiple stores for a single vendor.
19. Is it possible to use your plugin for wholesale marketplace?
→ Yes , it is not possible to use Dokan for wholesale marketplace.
20. Is it possible to upload lecture through your plugin?
→ Yes. it is possible to upload your lecture as downloadable product with our plugin.
21. Does your extension need yearly renewal like your plugin?
→ Some of our extensions needed renewal like Vendors review, WooCommerce Booking integration and Stripe connect. Others do not need renewal.
22. Does Dokan have email verification feature for vendor?
→ E-mail verification feature is not available in Dokan for the vendor registration now.
23. Is it possible for vendor to sell subscription type product?
→ A vendor is able to sell subscription product and also it is integrated with WooCommerce Subscription plugin.
24. Can admin assign single product to multiple vendors from backend?
→ No, admin is unable to assign a single product to multiple vendors. He can only assign a single product to single vendor.
25. Is it possible to use both adaptive and non-adaptive gateway together?
→ If you install any adaptive gateway like Dokan PayPal Adaptive or Dokan Stripe-Connect then it is not possible to use non-adaptive gateway like Bank transfer or others.
26. Is there any private messaging system between customer and vendor?
→ In Dokan private messaging system is not available but we have alternate option. You can use Dokan Strore Support add-on which will allow a customer to create support ticket to the vendor. Vendor will be able to view and reply to the ticket from their dashboard.
27. Can I charge a vendor monthly or yearly?
→ Yes, you can use Dokan Subscription add-on with Dokan plugin.
28. Can a vendor deactivate their store?
→ Only the admin can deactivate a vendor store but the vendor is unable to deactivate their own store.
29. Can I create variable product in Dokan?
→ Yes, you can upload variable product from the vendor dashboard.
30. Can vendor upload bulk product on their store?
→ Yes, a vendor can upload bulk product by using Dokan Export/Import add-on. Which will allow him to import XML file.
31. Does the vendor has ability to display discount on the store?
→ In Dokan each vendor can create and display their coupon on the store page.
32. Can a vendor share their own store on social media?
→ Yes, the vendor can share their store page to social media.
33. Is bulk order processing possible with Dokan?
→ No , Bulk order processing is not possible.
34. Can a vendor offer discount to vendor through coupon code?
→ Yes, it is possible to offer discount through coupon code
39. Can a vendor maintain multistore?
→ No, it is not possible for a single vendor to maintain multiple stores.
40. Is it possible for a person to be a vendor and buyer using a single account?
→ If a user registers as a vendor the user role will be a vendor. But a vendor is able to buy a product from other vendors, the user role will not be changed in the case.
41. Is it possible to upgrade the license from a single site to five sites?
→ Yes, it is possible to upgrade the license. You need to follow the link.
42. Can the Admin control how many resources a Vendor can consume?
→ The Admin is unable to control it. The Vendor can utilize unlimited memory.
43. Which cryptocurrency payment gateway can be used with dokan?
→ You can use a third-party cryptocurrency payment gateway plugin which is supported with Dokan but it will work as a non-adaptive – https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-altcoin-payment-gateway/.
44. Which payment gateways are supported by Dokan?
→Dokan has two types of payment methods. One is the adaptive payment, and the other is the non-adaptive payment method. The Dokan Stripe Connect and Dokan Wirecard Connect are adaptive payment gateways.
Those payment gateways are built-in modules in Dokan Pro, and those are available from the Dokan Professional package. Except for those, the rest of all WooCommerce payment gateways will act as a non-adaptive payment method.
When a customer makes an order, the admin commission and the vendor earnings will split in real-time in the adaptive payment method. That means all processes will be done automatically.
And, in the non-adaptive payment method, when a customer makes an order, the total order amount will go to the admin account. Vendors can see their earnings from the vendor frontend dashboard.
Admin needs to set a minimum withdrawal limit for submitting a withdrawal request. When a vendor reaches that limit, he/she can send a withdrawal request to the admin.
After that, the admin needs to approve the request and send vendor earnings manually to the respective withdrawal request account via PayPal or Bank Transfer. That means, in the non-adaptive payment method, all processes will be done manually.
45. What kind of commissions can be set in Dokan?
→You can set commission based on Product (Highest priority) > Category > Vendor > Global (least priority).
46. Can the Vendor change/update the Shipping Status of an Order/Product?
→ From Dokan Pro v3.2.4, Dokan introduced a new feature named Shipping Status that allows a vendor to create shipments. This feature informs a customer about their shipping status. You can read more about the feature here – https://wedevs.com/docs/dokan/settings/dokan-shipping-status/.
47. Is there any option for the Admin to set the types of products the Vendors in the Marketplace will offer?
→ Dokan has a vendor subscription module that allows admin to create subscription packages for vendors. If the admin wants he can limit product type through that package.
48. Does Dokan have support for Affiliate Products?
→ Currently, vendors can add External/Affiliate Type products. But any affiliate feature is unavailable in Dokan at this moment.
49. Is there any option for the Customers to contact the Vendor via WhatsApp?
→ Yes, Dokan has Whatsapp live chat feature that allows live chat between vendors and customers.
50. Is it possible to create staff under any vendor to manage the store?
→ It’s great if the store has a good amount of products and orders. But managing that store alone, it’s a bit difficult. But with the Dokan Vendor Staff Manager module, it’s possible to allow vendors to add multiple staff to their store where each of those staff will get separate user IDs.