In this article, we will learn how to configure the Dokan appearance (Store Header Template) settings of Dokan. To do that, we have to navigate to WP-Admin → Dokan → Settings → Appearance.

Description of the Fields
Show Map on Store Page: Check this option to let your vendors show the store map on their store sidebar. We have a widget to show store location on each store page. You can remove the widget from Appearance -> Widgets but you can also turn off that feature from the settings too.
Google Map API Key: Google Map API key helps you to display map on store page. You can find your API key from here. Using Google Map API key you can build customized maps, store directions, 3D models and many more. Just copy and paste your key in this field and you are done.
Mapbox: Recently Google Map API key has become more expensive. So Dokan has introduced the Mapbox feature for it’s free and pro user. You can get the API key from here. Mapbox is slightly different from Google Maps. You need to type in your address precisely and drag the pointer to your location on the map. You can take up to 50,000 monthly loads for free.
Show Contact Form on Store Page: Like the map widget, there is also a contact form for the sellers. Customers can mail the seller directly using this form. You can remove this widget from Appearance -> Widgets or this settings panel.
Store Header Template: Using these settings, you can now easily change the template of the store pages. There are four templates available. All you have to do is hover over the template and a Select button will appear. Click on the button and the template will be activated. A green box will appear on the selected template. You can change store header template anytime you want from this page.
Store Opening Closing Time: With Dokan Free 2.8.6, vendors schedule opening and closing hours for their online stores. If enabled, vendors will be able to use the option otherwise not.
Enable Store Sidebar from Theme: The most painful issue for Dokan was scrambling the store page. Because, the markup of our store page template and themes markup conflicted with each other. So to sort that out, we have added a feature to disable the sidebar from the settings panel. Disabling the store sidebar will prevent the store page from scrambling.
That’s all about the Dokan appearance settings for the admins.