Pending Product Rejection

Dokan Multi Vendor Documentation

The admin can reject the product after the vendor uploads the product. After rejecting the product, a vendor can resubmit the product for approval.

Note: It works for booking, variable, auction, etc all types of products.

Here is how it works.

After the vendor uploads the product, it will show the status Pending review-

This is a screenshot of pending review 1

Now, admin can reject the product from Products–> All Products. If you hover over, then you will see the Reject option-

This is a screenshot of reject option

You will get a pop-up where the you can write the reason for rejection-

This is a screenshot of rejection popup 3

Or, you can reject product from the Product Details page. You can also put the rejection reason there-

This is a screenshot of reject this product 4

You will get a pop-up to make sure you are ready to reject the product-

This is a screenshot of are you sure

Then the product will be rejected-

This is a screenshot of product rejected from backend

The vendor will see this message on their dashbboard-

This is a screenshot of vendor dashboard rejection

Also, vendors will get an email-

This is a screenshot of email

Vendors can see the list of Rejected products in the Rejected tab in the vendor dashboard product section.

If the vendor wants, they can resubmit the product. They just need to address the issue regarding rejection and save the product again.

Then the admin will see the Resubmitted tag in the dashboard-

This is a screenshot of resubmission option

This tag can also be seen from the product details page-

This is a screenshot of status in the backend

This is how the Product Rejection feature works.