You can add a custom withdrawal method for vendors to withdraw their earnings. We will show you how to set up the process.
In the Dokan–> Settings–> Withdraw section, you will find a Custom option in the methods section and then you will see tow new text boxes. One for Method Name and other for Method Type.

After you save the settings, vendor will see the new withdrawal method in the Vendor Dashboard–> Settings–> Payments. They can configure it from there.

So, in the Withdraw section of the vendor dashboard, vendors will see the option after configuring the method.

Also, when vendors make Withdrw Requests, they can use the custom method as well,

Here is the end result,

And admin can approve the withdraw request just like before,

Note: Admins will get the custom option when they are setting up the marketplace in the Setup Wizard. If they enable it then, the vendors will get that withdrawal method in their Setup Wizard as well.
You can check out this video as well-