Before using Dokan, you may face some technical issues or some other problems related to your online store. So to help you out, we have shared some questions with you that may be going around in your mind:-
1. Do you have any integration with the POS system?
→ Currently Dokan is not integrated with any POS system like WooCommerce POS plugin.
2. Can I approve or disapprove what vendors upload?
→ In Dokan you can disable product upload option for the newly registered vendor. If you do that then each vendor needs your permission to upload product on the website.
3. How the vendor will manage their shipping?
→ A vendor can manage his own shipping from the frontend dashboard. They can set their own shipping rate for each country/state. Read this doc/tutorial for details.
4. Can vendor select their own payment gateway?
→ A vendor is unable to use his own payment gateway for his store. The gateway needs to be selected from the admin area. As an example – If the admin selects Dokan Stripe as his gateway and enables Dokan Stripe as a withdrawal method then the vendor needs to be connected with Stripe.
5. Is there any option to sell subscription type product from the vendor panel?
→ In Dokan a vendor is unable to sell subscription type product. The vendor can only sell simple, variable, and downloadable product.
6. Can I sell Booking service through Dokan?
→ Yes, Dokan is integrated with WooCommerce Booking plugin. Just install the Dokan WC Booking add-on to enable bookable product function in Dokan.
7. Which gateway is compatible with Dokan?
→ You can use most of the Woocommerce compatible non-adaptive gateways with Dokan. You can check this list.
8. Why I am getting 404 error on the vendor dashboard?
→ It seems like there is a permalinks configuration problem. You can get the solution here.
9. Is it possible to override Dokan Pro template?
→ Yes, it is possible to override Dokan Pro templates through child theme.
10. Is there any way to send vendor commission automatically to their account?
→ Yes, we have two adaptive solutions like Dokan Stripe connect which will split the commission automatically to the vendor account.
11. Does dokan have product approval function?
→ Yes, in dokan you can set product status as “Pending review”. After uploading a product from the vendor area, admin will have to review and publish the product.
12. Can I modify dokan functionality?
→ Dokan plugin is 100% customizable.
13. I am getting blank invoice on the frontend. How can I solve?
→ Please navigate to wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> PDF invoice. Now, click on the “Status” Tab and then enable “Legacy Mode” to solve your problem.